Energy Bars, Gel Shots, and Sport Drinks – Oh my!

As I may have mentioned once before, I’m in the process of auditioning energy food and sport drinks. I am basically the pickiest person ever as far as eating goes. There’s an entire list of wholly banned foods (seafood, mayo, eggs…) and an even longer list of foods I only eat in certain forms or textures (no raw onions – but cooked, little ones are ok, no tomatoes – but I like tomato sauces, only squishy french fries…etc…). Food texture issues are big for me. It’s bizarre, I know – but it’s true. And it makes finding cycle-friendly foods (that I’ll actually eat) quite a challenge. I mean, these things get popular by being the “least-bad” thing around!

Anyway, Charles went to REI for me this week and picked up a new bike map holder, and a bunch of new food and drink options (some I’d never even heard of). Shockingly, there were some pretty decent items in the bunch! Here’s this yesterday’s rundown:

Brand Flavor Rated (1-10) Notes
Clif Bar Chocolate Chip Peanut Crunch 6.75 I like the flavor on this one better than the Peanut Butter, but less than the mint chip, which puts it pretty high up on my list. On the down side, it took me a full 20 minutes to eat it. Yes, I timed it.
Clif Shot Bloks Strawberry 9 First time I’d ever heard of these, and I am a big fan. Tastes and feels basically like a big fruit chew. No real complaints about this one!
JellyBelly Sport Beans Lemon Lime 8 I have no clue how beneficial these guys are (didn’t have my own to read the package), but tasted just like a big lemon-lime jelly bean. Way better than a lot of the other heavy options. Must go find out if they are actually good for me too.
CytoMax Tangy Orange 8 Hands down, the best sport drink I’ve tried thus far. I despise most of the salt-tasting, throat-coating drinks outright (darn you Gatorade!!) and could not have been more shocked that this was actually really tasty. Sweet, tart – like a melted, slightly watery sour candy.

All in all, a very successful day for food tasting. Hooray! Someone also had some magical chocolate-oat-cookie-goodness in a golden wrapper that I seriously need to find the name of and possibly buy stock in. (Anyone know?) More food results after Saturday’s pacelining clinic!

Side note – is anyone else as nervous about the pacelining concept as I am? I haven’t fallen in awhile, but riding in a tight line sounds like pushing it. Poor Coach Keith. πŸ™‚ If I manage not to kill or main anyone (or their bikes), Saturday will be a good day!

2 Responses to “Energy Bars, Gel Shots, and Sport Drinks – Oh my!”

  1. 1 Patty-o June 29, 2007 at 8:59 pm

    The “magical chocolate-oat-cookie-goodness in a golden wrapper” is a Cup of Gold snack bar, and you can buy it online from Horizon Health (, or at the Running Revolution store in Campbell, and I think Mentor Lisa said that you could also buy it at ST Bikes ( Hope this helps. And don’t fret about pacelining; I was a nervous wreck the first time I learned to do it. I’m sure some of your other teammates are feeling anxious as well. You will be great. See you tomorrow. Aloha – Mentor Patty

  2. 2 Jamie June 29, 2007 at 9:28 pm

    Patty, you get to be my hero for the day (I know, you’re thrilled)! Time to stock up on those things. Thanks for the info and I’ll see you tomorrow. πŸ™‚

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An often sarcastic, occasionally humorous journal of my training adventures in preparation for the Livestrong century ride. I took up cycling back in '07 in hopes of meeting new people, and, with the help of Team in Training, making my small positive difference in the world -- and haven't stopped spinning since. Follow along as my Trek road bike and I try and hash out our differences, hopefully with me upright and in the saddle.

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